Books I’ve Read in 2022….

Read any good books lately? That’s a question I feel like I am always asking my friends! I LOVE adding a good recommendation to my list! I also love talking about good books I have read. I have tried to save the books I have read to a highlight on my IG page, but I figured this would be a better space to organize all the books I’ve read so far this year. Also, I got a Kindle last year when it went on sale for Black Friday. It has been a GAME CHANGER! I am never without a book to read! The one I have is linked here. I use the Libby app where you can read library books for free on your Kindle by connecting your library card! I highly recommend looking into that if you haven’t already! Between Kindle Unlimited (which is only $9.99 a month), and the library ebooks…. I always have something to read!

Let’s dive in :)

The Last Thing He Told Me (linked here) 4.5/5 : I loved the suspense with this one! It kept you guessing till the end!

See Me (linked here):5/5: This one was different than what Nicholas Sparks usually puts out! There was a love story, but also a lot of suspense! I could not put this one down!

Simply South of Simple (linked here) 5/5: This is the first book in a series of four! These are really easy and quick reads, but I found myself falling in love with the characters and family. I haven’t read the last book yet in the series, but I am sure it is just as good as the first three!

The Southern Side of Paradise (linked here) 5/5

The Secret to Southern Charm (linked here) 5/5

Reminders of Him (linked here) 5/5 : I had never read a book by Colleen Hoover till this past year. As you can see…. I got hooked! I have loved every single book I’ve read by her so far! This one was no exception! I found myself crying and not wanting this one to end!

Heart Bones (linked here) 4/5 : Another really good one!

Layla (linked here) 4.5/5 : This one honestly had me laying in bed at night thinking about it! It was a bit suspenseful, and really kept you on edge!

Regretting You (linked here) 5/5 : Another one that I could not put down!!!

Verity (linked here) 5/5 : This is a book that I find myself still thinking about often! I read it over 6 months ago, but I am still not over it! I will tell you that there are some parts in this book that I found difficult to read, but overall this storyline is brilliant.

Ugly Love (linked here) 5/5 : This one I read in 2 days because it was THAT GOOD. I was so invested in this book and the characters. I absolutely shed some tears reading this one.

November 9 (linked here) 4.5/5 : This is another one I read in 2 days! (Honestly I find that is true with most of Colleen Hoover’s books!)

It Ends With Us (linked here) 5/5 : This was probally one of my favorites I have read this year. I will tell you, I felt pretty conflicted with the what I wanted the ending to be! It brought out a lot of emotions! I am so excited because next month Colleen Hoover is releasing another book in these series! It tells the other perspective of this story! It is now available for preorder…. so I linked it here.

Little Fires Everywhere (linked here) 3.5/5 : I know this one is a tv show, but I have never seen it. I liked this book! I wouldn’t say it was my favorite I read this year, but it kept my attention!

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (linked here) 5/5 : I really enjoyed this book! It jumps back and forth between present time and the past, and I love books like that! The characters all end up connecting in a way that I didn’t see coming at all! Overall, a really good read!

Anxious People (linked here) 3/5 : I had a hard time following all the different characters and plot lines in this one. I ended up liking the book, but it did take some concentration while reading!

The Summer Getaway (linked here) 5/5 : This was another quick read! I loved the characters, and the storyline!

The Rescue (linked here) 5/5 : I honestly love any Nicholas Sparks book, and this one is no exception! SO GOOD! Loved the characters and the storyline!

The One and Only (linked here) 4.5/5 : This one was another I wasn’t sure if I liked the ending or not! However, it was a great book! You fall in love with the characters. The storyline is slightly predictable, but I still really enjoyed it!

The Buy-In (linked here) 4/5 : This was one that I downloaded off Kindle Unlimited real quick before boarding a plan to St. Lucia. I didn’t know much about it, but I immediately fe11l in love with the story! I read most of this book by the time the plan landed 3 hours later. So good!

The Bluff (linked here) 4/5 : This book is by the same author as the book above, and also has the same characters! I really enjoyed this one as well! It was a quick easy read, with a fun love story mixed in!

The Lies that Bind (linked here) 5/5 : WHAT A BOOK!!!! This book was absolutely insane! But in such a good way!! It takes place around 9/11 in New York, which I thought was really interesting. This book keeps you guessing! So good!

Things We Never Got Over (linked here) 4.5/5 : This one took me a few chapters to get into. I actaully started reading it, and then stopped and read something else. One of my best friends then read it and was talking about how good it was! So I had to go back and try again! I am glad I did! I love the characters in this book, and the plot line was so good!

Book Lovers (linked here) 4/5 : Adorable book, adorable characters, adorable love story! This was an easy read and slightly predictable…. but I enjoyed it anyway!

I have been on a Tessa Bailey kick as you can see! Her books are very quick, easy reads! They are what I would describe as a good “beach read”. I will warn you and say she is a little SPICY in her writing! If that is not your jam… you may want to pass on these! Overall, I really enjoy these books, and the characters!

It Happened One Summer (linked here) 4.5/5

Hook, Line, and Sinker (linked here) 4/5 :

Fix Her Up (linked here) 4.5/5 :

Love Her or Lose Her (linked here) 4.5/5 :

Tools of Engagement (linked here) 4/5 :

I know these books are a series on Netflix, but I have never seen it so I can’t compare these books to the show. One of my best friends has the whole set, so she passed it along to me! She described these books as “a Hallmark movie in book form:”. I would say that that is a great way to describe them! They are pretty predicable, but I love the characters and the story lines. I am sure I will read more of the series soon! (There are 24 books in the series!)

Virgin River (book 1) (linked here) 4.5/5

Shelter Mountain (book 2) (linked here) 4/5

Whispering Rock (book 3) (linked here) 4/5

Love and Other Words (linked here) 5/5 : I really enjoyed this one! It jumps back and forth from two different character’s perspectives, and it sucks you in fast! This one wasn’t as predicable as I thought it would be! Highly recommend!

Mr. Wrong Number (linked here) /5 : I haven’t given this one a rating yet, because I am still reading it! I will probally finish it in the next couple of days, so I decided to include it on this round up. This is the first book I have read by this author, but I am really enjoying it! It’s a very light and quick read. It’s also pretty funny! I have found myself laughing out loud a few times while reading it! Looking forward to finishing it soon!

Wish You Were Here (linked here) 5/5 : This was a GREAT book. The book takes place during the pandemic, so it a very new book. It was interesting to see the perspective of others during the pandemic, and how the characters reacted. I read that the author did a lot of research and interviewed sereral people before writing this one, and it shows! The book also has a major plot twist that I didn’t see coming at all! You will have to let me know if you read this, and what you think of the ending!

The Love Hypothesis (linked here) 4/5 : This was a very fun, light read. I laughed a lot while reading this one! If you want a good book where you really don’t have to think, this is a good one for that!

Meant To Be (linked here) 5/5 : I just finished reading this book earlier in the week, so it’s very fresh on my mind! I absolutely loved this one! I would say top 5 of the books I have read this year! The book starts in the late 1960’s, and then continues through today. It is centered around American royalty, and the pressures they face. Although the book is fiction, there was lots of real life examples and experiences in the book. It jumps back and forth between the two main characters, and I found I couldn’t get enough of this book! Absolutely loved it!

That wraps it up! I am going to try to start doing this quarterly, so that way my book blog posts aren’t this long! Also, I use the website “goodreads” (linked here) to track what I read! It is a free website, and it’s perfect if you are big reader! That’s also where I keep track of books I want to read!

If you have any good books you think I should read… drop them down in the comments below!

Happy Reading!


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