Embracing my Flaws…. Letting Go of the Idea of Perfection.

What if we embraced our insecurities instead of hiding them? 

I feel the world gives us a solution for every “flaw” we might have on our body. It’s a world where filters are everywhere. It’s a world where “normal” isn’t really normal anymore. 

Scares? You can buy some heavy coverage makeup, or get them laser removed. 

Wrinkles? It’s called Botox or Dysport. 

Cellulite? Here’s a cream that makes them less visible. 

Don’t like your nose? Just get plastic surgery. 

Hate your big legs? Here’s a million diets to help you lose weight. And when that doesn’t work…. There’s always liposuction! 

I am not faulting anyone who has done any of these things at all. (I absolutely buy and wear full coverage foundation most of the time, and I've gotten dysport for my forehead! No shame y’all! lol) But I think the problem lies when we use these things to hide who we really are. Or think that there’s something wrong with us for having any of these things!

What if we weren’t constantly trying to fix/change our bodies? Seriously… think about that.  We are trying to fit this unrealistic expectation that the world has set for us…. That honestly no one really meets!!!

I often think how different we might go about our day if we didn’t have mirrors or photos…. How much different would we think? How much different would we act?

Instead of hiding the things that bother us…. Let’s embrace them. No one is perfect. Perfection does not exist. Here is me (as uncomfortable as it feels!) embracing my insecurities. 

I have stretch marks on my legs and hips. It’s normal. 

I have a huge varicose vein that runs down the side of my leg. It’s normal. 

I have scars on my face from getting moles removed. It’s normal. 

Let’s let go of the idea of perfection, and give ourselves permission to be real. 

Be encouraged today friends.


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