Focus on the season you are in….

That’s a lesson that God has been teaching me right now. I should be running a local half marathon right now with my mom. It was going to be my last training run before Boston. I should be two weeks out from running the Boston Marathon. Instead I was forced to cancel Boston, and defer the local half marathon today due to some knee issues I’ve got going on.

This is not my season for running races. Instead of running a race this morning, Saylor and I went on a nice walk. Instead of being jealous of those who are running this morning, or throwing a pity party for myself today… I am focusing on what I can do. I can still move my body. I can still lift. I can still celebrate what my body can do.

I have felt lately God reminding me to focus on MY season, even outside of fitness.  

This honestly goes well beyond just fitness. How often are we in a season of life where we want to be somewhere else? It’s easy to look around and see others doing what we want to be doing, and allow that to steal our joy. Y’all that can literally pull you down, and DESTROY your joy. If we get caught up in everyone else’s seasons, we miss what God is trying to do in our life in the season we are in right now. 

So as I am reminded this morning to be thankful for this season of life God has me in…. I want to pass that encouragement along to you as well. Life may not look exactly like you thought it would right now, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t purpose in this season right now. God tells us in Romans 8:28 that “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” . 

God is ALWAYS working y’all. Be encouraged today ❤️


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Classroom #ootd’s (March)!