How God is like the Ocean….

Name a better sound than the ocean…. In my book, the sound of the ocean tops them all.

Ironically, Mark took this photo of me last week about 8 hours before the accident. (If you missed it, we had a freak accident happen on vacation in Folly Beach last week. Mark, my husband, tripped over his flip flop after running up the stairs at our condo. He fell into the railing and it gave. Mark fell 20 feet, breaking his leg in two places, top of his foot, a few ribs, a fractured vertebrae, and partially collapsed lung. We were in the hospital from Tuesday evening till Friday. He had surgery on his leg on Wednesday where a rod was placed to repair it. We had multiple doctors and nurses tell us how blessed he was even alive. We are home now and starting the road to recovery). I had forgotten all about this picture till a few days later sitting in the hospital.

What stood out to me is how the only thing you can hear at the beach is the sound of the ocean. I was instantly reminded how similar the ocean is to God.

Just like how the ocean waves are constant, so is God.

Even when there are tons of other things going on on the beach, the sound of the waves will forever be there. I was reminded of this when my life got turned upside down last week, God was still there.

Just like you can’t see where the ocean begins or ends, so it is with his love for us. There is no ending or limit to how much God loves us.

You have to surrender to the ocean. If you’ve ever been caught up in a riptide, you know the power of the ocean. Just like the power of God. They say the best thing to do if you get caught in a riptide is not go against it, but just surrender and float parallel. How similar with God… when we get caught in the storms of life, the best thing we can do is surrender to the Lord.

The song “Oceans” by Hillsong now has a new meaning to me. I’ll leave with you the lyrics below. Remember who controls the oceans y’all is the same God who is with us always. Cling to that ❤️

“You call me out upon the waters

The great unknown where feet may fail

And there I find You in the mystery

In oceans deep my faith will stand

And I will call upon Your Name

And keep my eyes above the waves

When oceans rise

My soul will rest in Your embrace

For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters

Your sovereign hand will be my guide

Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me

You've never failed and You won't start now

So I will call upon Your Name

And keep my eyes above the waves

When oceans rise

My soul will rest in Your embrace

For I am Yours and You are mine”


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