How I am Training for the Boston Marathon….

It’s about 12 weeks out from the Boston Marathon, and I keep waiting for my motivation to show up! I figured once I finally got into Boston, I’d be SO hype to train for it. Turns out I’m not 🤷🏻‍♀️. 

 I beat myself up about it for a few weeks, and then finally let go of the high milage/speed work expectations. I reminded myself I have only ☝🏻goal for Boston….. to enjoy every mile! No pressure, no expectations, nothing but FUN. So why should I make my training any different than that? So I’m embracing a lower milage cycle, keeping in my lifting days because that makes me happy, and just letting go of anything else. Including comparing myself to other runners who are training right now also, or comparing myself to how I used to train a couple years go. Comparison is the thief of joy y’all! Even when doing it with yourself! Let go of those expectations! There’s honestly freedom on the other side of that. 

So how I am training for the Boston Marathon exactly? Well as of today, we are about 12 weeks away from race day! My goal is to run about 4/5 days a week, and continue lifting 3 days. I will have a “long run” every other weekend and build up to one 20 miler hopefully. I will run around 10 miles on the every other weekend that is not a long run. This past weekend, I had to do my long run on the treadmill because of icy roads (as you can see above). The other runs during the week will simply be whatever I am feeling like running with Saylor! I usually do around 4-5 miles in the morning when I do run before work. Below is what the last month of running has looked like for me.

Will I be running a new PR at Boston? Absolutely not. But honestly, that was never the goal. The goal was to get to Boston, and then enjoy every mile! That’s exactly what I will do. I will try to update the blog with my training as time goes on. Thanks for reading y’all!


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