How I Became a Runner… (part 4, the last part!)

If you missed the first 3 parts of this story, you can find them here, here, and here

We got back from the Baltimore Marathon, where I had run the relay and instantly started running more. Something had changed in me that weekend, watching those marathon runners cross the finish line. It was like I instantly caught the running bug. Looking back, it’s crazy to me that I didn’t catch it after running my first couple half marathons, but a couple years later. I went from running a couple times a week, to running almost daily. Like any new runner who increases mileage too fast, I battled my first strand of injuries. I had some shin pain till I finally got new shoes. I also battled a little bit of IT band issues at first. I had to take a step back, add in stretching and foam rolling, while slowly increasing my days of running and milage. 

I officially signed up for the Salisbury Marathon on New Years Eve 2017. I googled “marathon training plans” over Christmas break that year and found a ton. I narrowed it down to a few and finally bought the book, “Hanson’s Marathon Method” and settled on that training plan . (you can find it here if you are interested). The reason I picked a training plan that had me running 50 plus miles some weeks, 2 workouts a week (speed and tempo),  and running 6 days a week, I will never know! But I did! It it was a lot, but it defiantly got me fit! I am absolutely a “dive head first type of person”, and once committed- I am ALL IN! 

I started training in January. I followed the Hanson’s Beginner Marathon plan (although looking back, there was nothing beginner about it! lol). I never missed a single run over the next 16 weeks. I absolutely feel in love with the process, and the feeling of accomplishment when I ran further than I had ever ran before, it was simply amazing. I had started the training program thinking, “I would be a one and done marathoner”. Cross the finish line, and cross this goal off my list. But as the training progressed, I knew that wasn’t going to be the case. 

A couple weeks before the marathon, I found out what a BQ meant. If you are like me and have no idea… that means “Boston Qualify”. The Boston Marathon is one of the most prestigious marathons in the world, and you have to run a certain marathon time to qualify to run the race. My goal changed from “I want to finish a marathon” to “I want to run a BQ” . I didn’t realize it at the time, but this is a very lofty goal for a first time marathoner. I would have needed to run a 3:35, at the time, for my age group (they have since changed the requirement to 3:30 for women under 35 years old) to qualify me for the Boston Marathon.

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Spoiler alert, I didn’t run a BQ. Also, I learned a lesson on the day of my first marathon about running in the heat. My body HATES it. That’s what I learned, lol. I had ran 90% of my training runs in the dark, early morning, before work. I ran maybe 2 runs in weather above 60 degrees. It was 68 degrees when I started the race, and it was 81 degrees and full sun when I finished my first marathon. I STRUGGLED. (I still don’t enjoy running in the heat). I crossed the finish line and the clock showed 3:44. I didn’t BQ, but I was hooked. 

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I could write TONS more on my journey to finally BQ, but that would take way too much of your time. So I will save that for another blog :) The process of training for my first marathon changed me in so many ways. During that time, we were walking through some very dark days with our youngest son, Noah. (again, a blog post for another day) After the race, I continued to run almost daily. It has become such a huge part of my daily routine ever since. I still love to start most days with a run. 

You don’t have to be the best, fastest, or fittest to be a runner. You just have to put one foot in front of the other. That’s it. Anyone can be a runner if they want to be. Runners come in all shapes, sizes, ages, and personalities. You can run almost anywhere! You can catch up with friends while running! Oh and the running community is hands down the best. I have met some of my closest friends through running! 

For me running is my outlet, my therapy some days, my girl time others, and sometimes even my challenge. It’s all these reasons and more that I love running. I hope this encourages you to know that anyone can be a runner. If you want to run, just try it! I promise you it will get easier! And if you wonder if you can call yourself a runner? If you run, you are a runner! 

Be encouraged today friends! 


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