Life Isn’t a Highlight Reel

Life isn’t a highlight reel. Behind every pretty picture, there’s usually 3-4 showing the hot mess of what’s really going on! Just a reminder.... no one has it together all the time 🤪

I wrote the following post a year ago last week (I just didn’t have a blog to share it on yet!), and honestly nothing has changed. This is still the reality of my life almost daily.

Everyone has those people that they think have it all together. You thinking of someone right now? For me, it was always the pastor’s wives in my life. They would come into church put all together, kids dressed perfectly (usually matching), kids behaving, and always a smile on her face. Oh and she usually sings and/or plays the piano. (Spoiler alert- I don’t do either!) This was honestly one of my biggest fears when Mark went into ministry. Oh crap- that will make me a pastor’s wife.... now I have to have it all together?? 😱

Let me tell y’all something..... this girl 👆🏼 does NOT have it all together. In fact, I was reminded just this morning how much I really don’t have it all together. This morning before church was a CRAP SHOW. It was awful y’all. (I swear the devil works overtime in my house on Sunday mornings!!!) I literally screamed at the 8 year old for taking so long to get ready, took the phone from the 12 year old for having an attitude, and left the house 5 minutes later then I’m supposed to. (Oh and forgot the protein bar for my husband that he had asked me to bring.) CRAP SHOW. We walk into church LATE, they had already started singing, the boys are arguing, and I can see my husband turning around looking thinking “why the heck are y’all late?” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Oh and about 5 minutes into the 2nd song I look down and realize that Noah had his shorts on backwards. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Needless to say.... this pastor’s wife doesn’t have it all together. And honestly, nobody does. Life isn’t this highlight reel that we see on social media. So just remember.... if you are finding yourself in the middle of your own crap show: don’t stress. Embrace it and remember you aren’t alone!

Be encouraged today friends!



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