The need for more… What God’s teaching me right now.

The need for “more”. The need for “better”…. When is it ever enough? More money, a better house, more followers, a better body, more things, a better job, more exercise, more clothes, a better car, more vacations, a faster runner, a stronger body, a bigger attendance at church…. Y’all it’s EVERYWHERE. 

This is something God has really been working on me lately. In fact, he has blown up this idea in ALL areas of my life that “more” is actually the opposite of what he wants for us. I honestly have been struggling with social media right now, because I feel it screams the exact OPPOSITE of this. All you have to do is open up this app and you are reminded that someone is doing “more” than you. Someone is better, faster, more successful, has better things, takes better pictures, stronger, prettier, etc…. ALL OF IT! It’s so easy to instantly compare yourself. But when is it enough? Because honestly, there will always be a new “more”. 

This focus on MORE has just gotten out of control. I would never want my 5th graders that I teach to think that this is something they need to strive for everyday. That is not the INFLUENCE I want to be in their lives, and that’s not the INFLUENCE I want to be on this page either. 

I apologize if you have ever gotten that from me or my page. Yes, I share my outfits and sales. But you don’t NEED any of it. Hear me again, you don’t NEED it. I know that there are others who love fashion like I do, but can’t afford a ton on their wardrobe. So I love showing y’all that you can still look and feel your best without spending your whole bank account. I also enjoy sharing my running and lifts here, because fitness is a hobby of mine and I truly love sharing what’s making me feel good! But NONE of that truly matters. None of those things have any Eternal purpose. I live my life for an audience of ONE, and my main goal is to point people back to Jesus. You don’t need ANYTHING MORE than Jesus. Nothing is this world will ever bring you joy or happiness…. True joy can only come from Jesus friends! That’s all I’ve got for today…. Be encouraged y’all ❤️


Mom-Friendly Swimsuits from Amazon!


Wear It Now, Wear It Then!