An update on my Boston Marathon Training…

Well this is not where I thought I would be 9 weeks out from the Boston Marathon. Unfortunately, I’ve been dealing with some runners knee issues. I ended up cutting my long run short last Saturday because it was bothering me so much. I took this whole past week off of running. I was supposed to run 15 miles yesterday morning, instead I only ran 5 miles. 

Not the best timing with the Boston Marathon 9 weeks away. However, I’ve really surrendered all of that this past week to the Lord. Truthfully, nothing about this training cycle is like I thought it would be. I haven’t been motivated or enjoying the training, my husband and kids aren’t able to come with me to Boston due to it falling on Easter this year, and then the knee thing was the cherry on top. Although Boston is still on my bucket list, I’m finally accepting the fact that this might not be my season to go. It’s a lot of money to spend on something to not have the experience I really want. I am still praying to confirm some things, but I have true peace right now with all of it. I find peace in knowing that God is always working, and he doesn’t make mistakes.

Not running Boston doesn’t take away from the fact that I hit my goal and qualified for the Boston Marathon. And running Boston doesn’t make me anymore of a runner than I am right now. 

If you made it to the end of my rambling, thanks for being here y’all ❤️


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