My Morning Routine…

I get asked a lot about how I became a morning person who works out almost every morning, and truthfully, it comes down to my morning routine. I noticed after I became a mother, my mornings looked a lot different then they used to. If I wanted some alone time, with myself and with Jesus, I had to get up before my kids. During the school year, my alarm goes off between 5 and 5:30AM depending on the day. I know that sounds early, but having that time alone before anyone else is up in the house is one of my favorite parts of my day!

My morning routine always consists of 4 things…. Coffee, Jesus, Journaling, and some kind of movement!


 Here are my top tips at having a successful morning….

 1.     Make the coffee the night before and have the pot set to come on before I wake up. If I can already smell the coffee from my room, I’m drawn to the kitchen!

2.     Have my workout clothes ready. I either have my pile of clothes on my dresser (including shoes and socks!), or I will sleep in my workout clothes! Sounds silly I know, but I have been known to sleep in my running clothes quite a few times!

3.     Have my current devotional, Bible, and journal out on the table. I’m always going through a devotional or book of some sort. I love having a clear direction of where to start each morning. Often, I will then dive into some scripture or read more of the passage I was studying that morning, but I always start with my devotional. Here are several I’ve used over the years and have really enjoyed.


Click here to view some of my favorites I’ve done over the years.

I then write in my prayer journal. For me, I have a mind that goes a million miles a minute all the time! Forcing my hand to write to out my daily prayers forces my mind to stay engaged in my prayers. I have kept a prayer journal since high school, and one of my favorite things to do is look back at all my journals. It’s amazing to see the prayers that God has answered over the years.

devotionals .JPG

Finally, I go workout! For me, it’s usually a run, but sometimes it’s a lift first or even a ride on the spin bike. Even if it’s a rest day, I will go for a walk with the dog. Our bodies are made to move, so starting the day with some sort of movement just makes me feel good!

 I hope this helps! Comment down below if you have a good morning routine you love also!



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